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Create FULL-SCALE Drawings Right on Your Playground!


36 Accurate Blueprints • 36 Complete Lesson Plans


Dinosaurs • Blue Whale • Giant Squid • Sharks • Polar Bear • Bison (American Buffalo) • Elephant • Condor • Tallest Tree • Giant Kelp • Termite Mound • Biggest Snakes • Biggest Spider • The Grand Canyon • Great Barrier Reef • Meteor Crater • Mount Everest • The Matterhorn • Uluru (Ayers Rock) • Victoria Falls • Deepest Water • Amazon River • Clouds • Eye of a Hurricane • Solar System • First Aircraft • First Computer • Sputnik • Mercury Capsule • International Space Station • Hubble Space Telescope • Large Hadron Collider • Tallest Dam • Deepwater Drilling • Longest Train • Largest Truck


Easy-to-follow directions and blueprints guide you in creating lessons your kids will never forget! You can just talk about dinosaurs—or draw a full-size Tyrannosaurus Rex! Kids can just read about pythons—or see how many steps it takes to walk the length of one! Imagine the impact when kids create a life-sized blue whale drawn on the driveway! See how big Sputnik really was and the International Space Station truly is. 
Actual Size—Science also makes it easy to create smaller scale models of natural wonders like the Grand Canyon and technological achievements like the world’s tallest dam. Categories include Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Technology. Guaranteed to wow kids (and adults!) with unforgettable images and lessons. 

One of Sunflower Education's most popular books!

Grades K and Up. 

Companion book to Actual Size—Social Studies.

Actual Size—Science: Easily Create Full-Scale Drawings on Your Playground!

    • Grades K and Up
    • 36 Complete Lesson Plans
    • 36 Accurate Blueprints
    • 88 Pages
    • Hands-On Projects
    • Teaching Guides
    • Complete Answer Key
    • Part of the Actual Size Series of Books
    • eBook/PDF Download

Sunflower Education

Austin, Texas USA





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